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More effective than fractional laser or chemical peel treatments, DermaFrac™ offers  simultaneous delivery of infused ingredients in a pain-free, no down time treatment that can be administered by aesthetician without anesthesia and at significantly lower cost.
Premier Distributor
Authorized for Sale & Traning
Take dermal infusion to a level unprecedented with the DermaFrac™ system that combines several proven modalities. Customize & combine microdermabrasion, micro-channeling with simultaneous infusion of high grade serums and LED therapy for optimum results.
A precision controlled handpiece containing the micro-needle roller tip cap and a cartridge of the particular serum of choice is moved across the skin increasing collagen and fibroblast activity. The vacuum gently pulls the skin into contact with hundreds of micro-needles that painlessly penetrate through the epidermis and into the upper dermis (papillary dermis). The channels created act as pathways for the delivery of the serums to the all important upper dermis.

The depth of the needles have been carefully selected so that the channels are created just below the dermal-epidermal (DE) junction and just above the capillaries and nerve endings. This ensures no pain or bleeding - a definite perk for those with sensitive skin.

In addition to the advanced serum delivery and natural stimulation of collagen and fibroblasts the DermaFrac™ system offers microdermabrasion for increase epidermal thickness as well as high energy LED therapy. These features give you more choices in providing your clients the results they are searching for!

Order DermaFracTM   SYSTEMS

Micro-Channeling depth of needle 0.25 & 0.50

SOLO SPA - An Innovative Skin Rejuvenation System that consists of 1 stand alone independent modalty which are customizable for your clients skin condition.

1. Micro-Channeling with Vacuum Assisted Simultaneous serum Infusion which are customizable to your client's skin condition.

DermaFrac™ SOLO SPA - this machine is not upgradeable to 3 modalities.

Three levels of Crystal Free Microdermabrasion

DM - An Innovative Skin Rejuvenation System that consists of 2 stand alone or independent modalities which are customizable for your clients skin condition.

1. Micro-Channeling with Vacuum Assisted Simultaneous serum Infusion

2. Crystal free  Microdermabrasion

Not LED capable.

2-LED's Red - Erythema and Blue - Acne

DELUXE - An Innovative Skin Rejuvenation System that consists of 3 stand alone or independent modalities which are customizable for your clients skin condition.

1. Micro-Channeling with Vacuum Assisted Simultaneous serum Infusion

2. Crystal free  Microdermabrasion

3. LED therapy consisting of Red for Erythema & Blue for Acne

Order DermaFracTM SERUMS

Ultra Visioin inc
322 Happ rd 
Noprthfield IL 60093


skype:  Zoran93

email : z@uvinc.com
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dermafrac micro channeling,micro needling,derma Rollers,Percutaneous Collagen Induction, scar removal, medical spa, treatment therapy, medi spa, skin wrinkles,acne, stretchmarks, canada, microneedling, medical, mts roller, dermal rollerin, microneedling,DermaFrac Microchanneling and Infusion, DermaFrac,skin,The,infusion,micro,Genesis Biosystems,microdermabrasion,micro needling, dermafrac, microneedling,dermafrac micro channeling,micro needling,derma Rollers,Percutaneous Collagen Induction, scar removal, medical spa, treatment therapy, medi spa, skin wrinkles,acne, stretchmarks, us, microneedling, medical, mts roller, dermal rollerin, microneedling,
dermafrac micro channeling,micro needling,derma Rollers,Percutaneous Collagen Induction, scar removal, medical spa, treatment therapy, medi spa, skin wrinkles,acne, stretchmarks, canada, microneedling, medical, mts roller, dermal rollerin, microneedling,Introducing DermaFrac™ the dermal micro-channeling system that offers simultaneous delivery of infused ingredients in a pain-free, no downtime treatment.
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©2010-2019     Ultra Vision inc All rights reserved
  | 1.847.840.0322  |  322 Happ Rd. Northfeld Il 60093
DermaFrac Microchanneling and Infusion, DermaFrac,skin,The,infusion,micro,Genesis Biosystems,microdermabrasion,micro needling, dermafrac, microneedling,dermafrac micro channeling,micro needling,derma Rollers,Percutaneous Collagen Induction, scar removal, medical spa, treatment therapy, medi spa, skin wrinkles,acne, stretchmarks, us, microneedling, medical, mts roller, dermal rollerin, microneedling,
dermafrac micro channeling,micro needling,derma Rollers,Percutaneous Collagen Induction, scar removal, medical spa, treatment therapy, medi spa, skin wrinkles,acne, stretchmarks, canada, microneedling, medical, mts roller, dermal rollerin, microneedling,DermaFrac Microchanneling and Infusion, DermaFrac,skin,The,infusion,micro,Genesis Biosystems,microdermabrasion,micro needling, dermafrac, microneedling,dermafrac micro channeling,micro needling,derma Rollers,Percutaneous Collagen Induction, scar removal, medical spa, treatment therapy, medi spa, skin wrinkles,acne, stretchmarks, us, microneedling, medical, mts roller, dermal rollerin, microneedling,
dermafrac micro channeling,micro needling,derma Rollers,Percutaneous Collagen Induction, scar removal, medical spa, treatment therapy, medi spa, skin wrinkles,acne, stretchmarks, canada, microneedling, medical, mts roller, dermal rollerin, microneedling,DermaFrac Microchanneling and Infusion, DermaFrac,skin,The,infusion,micro,Genesis Biosystems,microdermabrasion,micro needling, dermafrac, microneedling,dermafrac micro channeling,micro needling,derma Rollers,Percutaneous Collagen Induction, scar removal, medical spa, treatment therapy, medi spa, skin wrinkles,acne, stretchmarks, us, microneedling, medical, mts roller, dermal rollerin, microneedling,
dermafrac micro channeling,micro needling,derma Rollers,Percutaneous Collagen Induction, scar removal, medical spa, treatment therapy, medi spa, skin wrinkles,acne, stretchmarks, canada, microneedling, medical, mts roller, dermal rollerin, microneedling,Introducing DermaFrac™ the dermal micro-channeling system that offers simultaneous delivery of infused ingredients in a pain-free, no downtime treatment.
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